Teh Daily Squeak

Teh squeak c'est chic!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


EdiTEHrial: Kudos to EPD's Officer of the Year!!1

Here at Teh Squeak, we often find ourselves in awe of the
continuing patience and professionalism demonstrated by
officers of the Eugene (and Springfield) Police Departments.

In the face of Deb Frisch's continuing onslaught of psychotic
rambling, libel, slander, criminal mischief, and harassment,
most men (and women) would be sorely tempted to give
Teh Deb a good old-fashioned "tune up."

But not the EPD (nor the SPD). Instead, they simply go
by the book, enforce the law, and keep their actions authoritative,
but measured and steady.

It's that kind of professionalism we admire. So when we hear
that an EPD officer has been named for honors, we wish to
add our kudos.

Thanks, EPD, SPD, and (let's not forget University of Oregon
Security Forces, who smacked Frisch down with an 18-month
ban from campus
) for consistently checking Miss Debbie's
reign of harassment, etc.

One last thought: Miss Debbie often seems to treat the law as
a game--a game she suxx0rz at, btw :p. She would do well to
heed a well-known bit of Gerbil lore: "Teh wheels of justice
turn slowly, but they grind the
unjust into powder."

Thursday, May 21, 2009


OR Criminal Offender #1675174 Deb Frisch Probation Files


Eugene OR (May 21)--Oregon Criminal Offender
#1675174 Deborah Ellen Frisch will need to get
used to these pesky probation hearings--she'll
be having them until 2012.

Frisch's first hearing occurred in Lane County
Criminal Court today. Frisch proved that she
remains unable to comprehend the criminality
of her behavior since 2006. Both before and
after the hearing, Frisch posted blogs libeling
nearly everyone who has stood up to her attempts
at bullying.



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