Teh judge granted City of Eugene's (unopposed) petition yesterday.
Debbie Frisch's tantrums have grown increasingly desperate in recent weeks--no doubt prompted by teh dismissals of Lane County (Feb. 2) and City of Springfield (Feb. 23) as defendants. Frisch, realizing that her frivolous suit will soon be dead, has already tried to tantrum her way into getting new judges on her case--a pathetic maneuver deftly (and lulzily) beaten down by City of Eugene's lawyer. (Frisch has also served City of Eugene's lawyer--and various judges--impotent missives marked "tort claims notice," lol.)
Frisch still doesn't seem to realize teh obvious truth: at this point, lawyers and judges are TEH BOSS of her. If Debbie won't appear voluntarily at teh April 15th deposition, City of Eugene can move to make that appearance compulsory. If Debbie won't obey a court order to appear, teh court can inflict all sorts of lulzy sanctions on pathetic Debbie's azz.
Eugene, OR (Mar 18)--Teh City of Eugene filed a motion to extend discovery in Federal Court today--and signaled the next two steps in their efforts to pwn DumDeb's frivolous lawsuit, once and for all:
"With the pleadings now settled...," wrote teh City of Eugene's attorney, "[teh] remaining defendants will immediately confer with [Deb Frisch] in an attempt to find a mutually agreeable date for her deposition."
Translation: EXPECT EPIC LULZ!!!1! As seasoned Frisch-watchers know, Dummy Debbie is a SLOW THINKER on her feet. Stupidly, Deb Frisch testified in her own criminal trial last March. As an eyewitness to teh lulz revealed, prosecutors made easy mincemeat of teh slow-witted, twitching, stammering Frisch on teh stand. Unsurprisingly, teh judge quickly found Frisch guilty of physical harassment and stalking that very day.
Teh City delayed their deposition, that time, until pleadings were exhausted.
But not this time.
2) File a Motion for Summary Judgment: In today's filing, City of Eugene also indicated their next step (after humiliating Deb Frisch in their deposition): "the remaining defendants anticipate filing a motion for summary judgment after plaintiff's deposition is completed."
Translation: Dummy Debbie's frivolous lolsuit is living on BORROWED TIME.
It's worth noting that City of Eugene's lawyer was ALSO teh lawyer for City ofSpringfield--which succeeded in winning a Motion of Summary Judgment against DumDeb last month. Since Frisch's charges against teh City of Eugene are just as frivolous as were her charges against Springfield, Frisch's defeat is pretty much assured.
After 10 months of wrangling, it's safe to say that Dummy Debbie's frivolous lolsuit is now reaching its endgame.
(With Debbie's lolsuit's demise a matter of "when, not if," teh ONLY remaining question is whether Lane County, Springfield and City of Eugene will then move to slap Debbie with teh legal bills incurred in splatting her incompetent lolsuit. Teh latter two defendants explicitly signaled their openness to punishing Teh Deb in this way for her latest legal tantrum. Will they follow through? Time will tell...)
Eugene (Mar 17)--A federal judge magistrate pwned Miss Debbie's motion to amend her lolsuit, rejecting Teh Deb's motion as "frivolous and futile." A screencap of teh judge's scathing beatdown of Deb Frisch appears below.
Eugene (Mar 12)--In a brief motion filed today, Little Miss Debbie withdrew Tuesday's whining rant for a change in venue.
"After consideration of arguments made by counsel for defendants," wrote Teh Deb, "plaintiff files this notice of withdrawal of plaintiff's motion for change of venue."
Amazingly, DumDeb actually NOTICED she'd been massively pwned by teh City of Eugene's sharp response-filing on Wednesday--a mere 24 hours after Debbie's frivolous motion.
Gerbil Nation Psyops Minister Largenfirm summed up City of Eugene's lulzy response to Teh Deb this way:
A. She did it wrong
B. She did it poorly
C. She ain't all that!
For teh record, here is teh FULL TEXT of teh City of Eugene's beatdown of Miss Debbie (including LULZ at Debbie's "sophomoric diatribes [and] rants" :D)
Eugene (Mar 9)--Matters in Deborah Frisch's frivolous lawsuit took a turn for teh lulz today in an Oregon federal court.
Frisch filed a "Motion for a Change in Venue," begging for a new set of judges to oversee her limp-lobed attempt to sue authorities who, last year, held Debbie responsible for her criminal actions.
In her filing in federal court, Teh Deb argued that, since she's libeled and harassed and threatened ALL of teh federal judges in Eugene, she deserves a do-over with a new set of judges. Specifically, Dumdeb's filing:
Revealed that Deb Frisch threatened teh Chief Judge for teh Eugene District with...yet another frivolous lolsuit! Specifically, Frisch is frothing at the mouth that said judge pwned Debbie twice last month--viz., by dismissing Lane County and Springfield as defendants in Frisch's frivolous lawsuit.
Revealed that Deb Frisch sent a letter to a US Assistant District Attorney, libeling yet another Eugene federal judge.
Needless to say, Frisch's frivolous filing has less than a snowball's chance in hell. In fact, Frisch has ALREADY TRIED this stoopid trick before. Last September, Frisch filed a request to disqualify teh present judge magistrate overseeing Teh Deb's case.
"Miss Frisch," warned teh DA, "if you disrupt this meeting, I'll have you removed."
DumDeb tried to whine; teh DA then shut her up by reiterating: "If you disrupt this meeting, I'll have you removed."
According to a video of teh meeting, Miss Debbie, chastened, behaved herself --except for a bit of Tourette's Twitching, Deborah Frisch STFU. She even looks beat down in a photo of teh meeting:
Teh Lane County DA appears to have learned a crucial lesson from teh Lane County Board of Commissioners--who succeeded in shutting Debbie up last summer in LULZy fashion:
Frisch was also kicked off of the University of Oregon campus in 2007 and 2008. She has not returned, lol.
Eugene (Mar 2)--February was the cruelest month for Dummy Deborah Frisch.
As expected, a Federal Judge UPHELD teh City of Springfield's dismissal from Frisch's frivolous lawsuit on Feb 23rd; this followed closely on the heels of Lane County's similar triumph on Feb 2nd.
Also as expected, Dummy Deb Frisch is not taking teh pwnage well. Over teh last 24 hours, Frisch has spewed several vulgar blogs, attempting to harass various Lane County officials.
Frisch, of course, has been impotently livid since the LCDA held DumDeb responsible for her criminal actions by winning a criminal conviction against her almost a year ago. As a result, Frisch remains on probation until 2012. (The LCDA triumphed even despite Frisch's attempts to threaten her victim into silence; DumDeb, bully that she is, hates it when peeps stand up to her threats.)
Of course, teh STFU order from Lane County (and a later STFU order issued by a Federal Court) were direct results of Debbie Frisch's lolsuit --yet another case of Deb Frisch being hoisted by her own petard.