OFFER TWIN SMACK-DOWNS OF DEB FRISCH!!Eugene (Jun 16)--In teh course of 24 hours, two federal courts have kicked away Debbie Frisch's 11th hour attempts to derail teh inevitable defeat of her frivolous lawsuit against City of Eugene.
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to Debbie: DROP DEAD!The first beatdown occurred late yesterday. A three-judge panel of teh federal Court of Appeals (Ninth Circuit) needed a mere
THREE SENTENCES to 'splain why
Deborah Frisch's appeals to them were
ostensible horsesh*t. In short, teh District Court orders weren't final orders--and teh orders Dumbell Debbie was appealing didn't qualify.
"[T]he orders challeneged," wrote teh Appellate Court, "are not final or appealable.... Consequently, these appeals are dismissed."
Teh judgment could prompt some vile reactions from Miss Debbie. One of teh judges on teh 3-judge Appellate panel has long been
a target of Debbie's stalking and vulgar blogs. And, as Debbie's behavior in this lolsuit shows, she has a pattern of harassing federal officials--even to teh point of inviting
an FBI visit to question her. Frisch also included
a thinly-veiled "harassment target list" in her most recent filing with teh Circuit Court.
District Court to Debbie: AS IF!Earlier today, teh District Court overseeing Debbie's frivolous lawsuit also piled on. Teh court ruled against Debbie's desperate, incompetent "Motion to Strike" City of Eugene's sure-to-be-victorious Motion for Summary Judgment to pwn Debbie's lawsuit. Teh District Court needed a mere
TEN SENTENCES to 'splain why Deb Frisch's pathetic maneuver was incompetent hack-work:
"Frisch's assertions are not persuasive," laughed the court.
[CLICK HERE TO VIEW SCREENCAPS OF DEB FRISCH'S ONE-TWO BEATDOWN!]Labels: deb frisch frivolous lawsuit, deb frisch harassment, deb frisch stalking
NEXT STOP: NINTH CIRCUITDeb Frisch doubles down on her stoopidity, files appeal of court orders!PLUS: Deborah Frisch's Vulgar Rantings About a Ninth Circuit Court Judge!Eugene, OR (June 6)--In a pathetically desperate attempt to revive her frivolous lawsuit against teh City of Eugene, Little Miss Debbie Frisch has made two filings with teh Federal Court of Appeals' Ninth Circuit.
Teh filings were dated May 27th and 28th.
Debbie informed teh District Court of her latest dumb idea in a "Notice of Appeal," filed with teh Eugene Federal District Court on May 28th.
In teh Notice of Appeal, Miss Debbie howls over:
- Teh Eugene Court's Smackdown of Debbie's limp-lobed attempt to levy court sanctions on City of Eugene's lawyer.
Teh Court of Appeals has issued Debbie deadlines which would require her to file her "Opening Motions" by teh first week of September.
DEBBIE'S PAST HIStehRY WITH TEH NINTH CIRCUIT...Of course, Deb Frisch's illegal harassment habits may already be well-known by court staff at teh Ninth Circuit, owing to Deborah Frisch's manic harassment of one Ninth Circuit judge over teh last 15 months:
- In a Feb. 18 2009 blog, Deborah Ellen Frisch referred to one Ninth Circuit judge as a "cow fucker." (This followed a vulgar Feb. 17 2009 blog, where Debbie wrote even moar: "Why is [REDACT] the CHIEF JUDGE of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals?" frothed Deb Frisch, "This guy is a sexist pig who gets a boner imagining that he is screwing a cow. Shouldn't this guy be locked up at Alcatraz, not doling out JUSTICE to Californians and other Ninth Districters?")
- In a March 22, 2009 blog, Frisch wrote that, while she was shoveling shit for "work crew" (resulting from Debbie's criminal conviction for assaulting an acquaintance), she would be fantasizing about "Lane County Commissioners [and] Lane County Budget Committee [Members] wearing pornographic cow costumes like the ones found on the web site of United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Chief Judge [REDACT] “boner4bovines” [REDACT], engaging in pornographic activities..."
No doubt, Ninth Circuit Court judges are just as willing to issue Debbie all sorts of
SANCTION$ SMACKDOWN$ for Deb Frisch's transparent attempts to abuse the legal system, and its practitioners. We can only hope--and LOL.
Labels: d, deb frisch frivolous lawsuit, deb frisch harassment, deb frisch stalking