Teh Daily Squeak

Teh squeak c'est chic!

Friday, February 23, 2007


Where's Deb? "Who Cares?!"

Teh Daily Squeak

A Curious Development...

Teh Capitol, GN (Feb 23)--Amidst teh overwhelming
whoops and hoopla following yesterday's massive pwning
of miss debbie™, another event caused a brief ripple
in Gerbil Nation. At approximately 12:30pm GST, deb's
site, SPW, went dark.

Gerbils were briefly intrigued by the development, but
then proceeded to discuss more imporant matters. Like
Blizzardlane's imminent washer/dryer purchase. And
the hazards of spin-drying possum-fur nipple warmers.
Teh Squeak thanks VoR for a helpful amendment to this issue.

Bro' Timmeh! -

I quite appreciate Teh Squeak; glad you made your way back to teh Wheel after being absent for so long.

It's so very nice that even with Soft[Wet]Poo offline, gerbilly amusement continues apace.

For about teh gazillionth time, I feel most fortunate that I wandered into DHD last summer and got such a warm welcome.

Hip, hip, teh yay!®

And I hope that later on this year, we can have our First Annual Gerbillee.
Hey Tim,

I second Fatwa's statement. I love Teh Squeak too. :-)

As for teh question ... I think you got it all wrong. Teh question isn't Where's Deb? It is Who Cares? Who Cares where Lil' Miss Debbie is, as long as she is off teh internet, and prevented from dumping poo on everyone else's doorstep?

I think that is what she never really comprehended ... no one was out to get her. Everyone just wanted her to STFU. If she had done that, we all would have forgotten about her long ago. Of course that may have been her biggest fear. I think she was afraid to become a nobody again.

Hopefully teh folks in teh white coats finally came and got her, and took her to a nice, warm, padded room, with three hots and a cot. I just feel sorry for the doctors that have to deal with her, especially if they are men (you know how well she gets along with men).

Keep up teh great work Timmeh!

Thanks FA, VoR~~

VoR--Great point!!
Hi there,
I love your blog! And the pictures too ... ;)))

I also have a Blog. Programming for the web. Are you interested in link exchange?
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Hi there,

I've mostly been a lurker about this whole. On occasion I've posted at S(W)P, encouraging Deb to get help, but I've never left a contact email, or website, because I'm kind of scared of having her show up on my doorstep.

I sometimes wonder whether she's really crazed, or whether all the self-esteem she got fed in school caused her to believe she was a lot smarter that she actualy is, and then whether her lack of achievement, coupled with this high self-esteem just sent her into complete nihilism.

Ah well. She's definitely a cautionary tale.
Hi there,

I've mostly been a lurker about this whole. On occasion I've posted at S(W)P, encouraging Deb to get help, but I've never left a contact email, or website, because I'm kind of scared of having her show up on my doorstep.

I sometimes wonder whether she's really crazed, or whether all the self-esteem she got fed in school caused her to believe she was a lot smarter that she actualy is, and then whether her lack of achievement, coupled with this high self-esteem just sent her into complete nihilism.

Ah well. She's definitely a cautionary tale.
sorry for the double post.
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