Teh Daily Squeak

Teh squeak c'est chic!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Eugene, OR (July 13)--In a long-overdue
move, a Federal Judge Magistrate has granted a Motion for Summary Judgment by teh City of Eugene and two EPD officers. Teh judge also denied Debbie Frisch's desperate Summary Judgment filing.

This is teh last rickety leg Debbie had to stand on. Lane County and teh City of Springfield were both dismissed from Dummy Frisch's lolsuit in February.

After Debbie's desperate attempt to expand her lolsuit failed on March 17, teh City of Eugene quickly moved to trap Deborah Frisch in her lies via deposition. Debbie, who's never been too smart on her feet, evaded the legally mandatory deposition on April 15th--a STOOPID move which was teh beginning of teh end for Dummy Deb.

Shortly thereafter, Debbie's legal fortunes (and Debbie's own batshit crazy self) fell apart. Frisch was $anctioned for evading teh deposition--and BANNED from entering Oregon Federal Court premises for Frisch's repeated threats and harassment of Federal Court staff. (Deb Frisch's behavior also got her a visit from teh FBI, on January 22, who noted that they had "probable cause" to prosecute Debbie with threatening a Federal Judge.)

Speculation was rife in Gerbil Circles over how DumDeb would take to teh death of her lolsuit.
But one thing's for sure: 1 year and two months after Debbie filed her impotent, incompetent, and frivolous lawsuit, teh justice has triumphed over Teh Deb--and trumpeted Deborah Frisch's STOOPIDITY to teh world.

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Great post, Mr. Daily Squeak!

Who has "limp lobes" now, Dweebie?

Lurve teh new graphic, Bro.


Limp lobes, indeed; whacking Frisch for legal fees would be the sprinkles in the icing on the cake.
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