Teh Daily Squeak

Teh squeak c'est chic!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Debbie Harasses Journalists,
Threatens Freedom of Funneh

Teh Capitol, GN (June 19)--Incensed by student
reporters who caught Debbie being Debbie
, and
mocked her appropriately, teh scourge of YouJean
is now attempting to strongarm these brave
journalists, Teh Squeak has learned.

In blogs posted at 11:06 and 11:26am GST, Miss
Debbie revealed that she had emailed a member
of the Oregon Commentator's Board of Trustees.
With debbie's usual hysterics and dishonesty,
she accused teh publication's editor of "propagating
...easily shown-to-be-false lies about [Miss Debbie]"
and that a bystander who had tossed Skittles at
her had thereby committed "physical assault."

These charges would be laughable, were it not for
their use in a transparent attempt to squelch an
article which gave us singularly rare pwnag3
such as this:

We therefore fully support The Commentator in
its brave stance on Freedom of Teh Funneh. We
also look forward to the publication's response to
this nuisance. (Hint: You have 120+ other deb
pics in your possession
, right? ;))

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