Teh Daily Squeak

Teh squeak c'est chic!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Deb Frisch Facebook Watch 2010


SPEWING VILENESS (what else is new?!)

Eugene (Jan. 18)--If the past has shown anything, it's
that Debbie Frisch is impervious to learning from the
simple law of cause-and-effect.

So perhaps it should come as no surprise that, despite
losing any semblance of respectability to her "trolling
addiction," Deborah Frisch has opened a new phase to
her career of online harassment and libel:


Yep, dumdum Debbie has planted her flag on Facebook
(link to Dumdeb's Page). Up to now, Deb sightings tended
to be few and (relatively) far between--link#1, link #2,
link #3.

That changed today, when Debbie went batsh*t crayzee
on Michelle Malkin's page. Here's a sampling of sexually
frustrated Debbie's spew:

Although it might be a new year, Deb Frisch persists
in her same old stoopidity.

One wonders how long it will be until Frisch's abuse
of Facebook will get her kicked off the site, once
users start reporting Deb Frisch's abuse here
(link to Facebook complaint page).

In any event, Teh Squeak will doggedly report
Debbie's crayzee as long as her Facebook trainwreck


Her vileness is just so predictable. Still beyond nasty, but after the many people she's smeared you'd think she'd come up with some new insults.

She's the same no-talent hack she has always been.

How long until she figures out that I am not this Jake Hale?

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