Teh Daily Squeak

Teh squeak c'est chic!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012




Gerbil Nation (Aug 28)--After 6 years of
turning, Teh Squeaky Wheel is slated to
make its final rotations on September 14th.

"Yep it is," confirmed El Presidente for
Life Sinner. "I just looked at the hosting
[agreement] and it does end on the 14th
[of September]. Everything under 'tehsqueakywheel.com' will go 404 on
that day."

Teh news, while sad, was not completely unexpected. Earlier this summer, teh President
made a public statement that Teh Wheel's founding mission had been accomplished: "teh
deb seems contained to her small trash can surrounded by cheeze doodles and empty
Schlitz cans," he said, adding that he wished to devote more time to his family IRL.

Teh Squeaky Wheel spun into orbit in September 2006, a spinoff of teh famous DontHireDeb
blogspot. "Teh Deb," was teh Wheel's opening motto, "...and a Whole Lot More." In its
six-year run, teh Wheel succeeded beyond measure in both ambitions--and for that, Pres.
Sinner deserves to share in teh credit and lurve he gave teh Wheel's small, but squeaky,
Circle of Friends: "To my friends here at teh wheel, you have been a force for a lot of good
in the world as well as in my personal life. I love you all and will always think fondly
on my time making believe I deserved such a great community."

It's just afraid of Brenda's awesome skills.
Well, dang it. Does anyone want me to host this here thingy (TSW). I can, I just can't spend a lot of time on it. Money? I can do that.
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