Teh Daily Squeak

Teh squeak c'est chic!

Sunday, September 21, 2014



FLASH! Dummy Deborah Ellen Frisch is off teh rails once again! Over teh last few weeks, Frisch has resumed her harassment campaign (via Discussion Board, Blogging, Email, Telephone, and IRL):


if someone could tell bill that i am going to publish a comedy routine of how much marjorie liked fucking the asian grad student and towelhead fat post doc more than him if he doesn't stop making money from uo rape, that'd be swell.


the bowl of dicks represents all the dicks marjorie liked better than bill's.

please help me help bill.

please ask him to take down uomatters immediately.

via Anonymous Tipster:
At this year’s [Eugene/Springfield Pride] festival, which was held at 
Alton Baker Park in Eugene on July 9, 2014, Dr. Frisch was seen 
berating and belittling the individuals working at one of the booths 
related to transgender awareness. One of our security providers asked 
her to leave, and she did, unwillingly, after saying that she was going 
to have the “entire event shut down” (clearly she did not succeed at that!).

Keep a close eye on teh Lane County Jail...Debbie's bound to be in for another jailterm, and soon!

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Wow...that was fast; cheers, Bro!
good job!
Little Debbie Snack Cakes is hiding under the psuedonym (to go with her psuedo-intellect) of Jennifer Johnson? Poor decision, Debbie. Hey, what was your PhUD in? Poor Decision Science?
Oh look! Another of Dummie Frisch, PhuD's sock puppets pays a visit! Jim? Jennifer? Are you having gender identity issues? Your parents must be sooo proud of the decisions you've made! Ready to don that orange jump-suit once again, Debbie? Ready to meet your new cell-mate? I hear she likes well-marinated meat!
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