Teh Daily Squeak

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lane County Po-Po Investigates Debbie's Harassment

Lane County (Aug 24)--Word has surfaced that Dummy Deb Frisch
got yet another visit from Lane County police.

According to police dispatch reports, Teh Deb was teh subject of a
complaint at 12:20pm on Thursday.

Dummy Debbie was AWFULLY busy that day, spewing all sorts of
crap on her blog
. Looks like Debbie Frisch also decided to do a bit
of "drunk dialing," to boot.

This is teh THIRD recent police visit to come to light--Debbie was
also teh subject of complaints in August 2009 (when Deb Frisch
made a death threat
) and April 2010 (when Debbie tried to violate
her probation by entering a barroom dance;
of course, bouncers
quickly 86ed teh carpet-soiling toddler). Frisch also received a not-so-
friendly visit from teh FBI, after Debbie sent a threatening email to a
Federal judge, in January.

Debbie has also been convicted of two crimes, in 2006 (when she
stalked and harassed a woman who wouldn't sex Debbie...ew
) and 2009
(when Debbie assaulted and harassed an innocent victim who had
teh GALL to offer Frisch a ride home
). Word is also swirling that
Debbie Frisch recently committed FRAUD by subletting a property

Here's teh Lane County police dispatch, recording teh complaint
about Dummy Debbie:

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Don't forget January, when she was visited for threatening a judge!

Reported here on May 22.

True, dat! I'll make a little edit... :-)
The Talentless Hack of Frischmas gets zapped yet again -- she embodies the definition of repetitious insanity.
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