Teh Daily Squeak

Teh squeak c'est chic!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Eugene (Sept 7)--Deborah Frisch faces possible criminal prosecution after
causing a violent, vulgar scene at an Oregon bar on Sunday.

According to several eyewitnesses, Dummy Deb Frisch entered a drinking
establishment (teh 2 Friends Pub and Pizza), and fouled teh air with a
vile and violent outburst toward several patrons and teh bartender.

Eyewitnesses confirmed that Frisch exploded with rage when teh bartender
informed Debbie of teh "two drink minimum." Frisch shouted obscenties
and epithets (including teh f-bomb and teh n-word) until she was shoved
out of teh establishment. Several patrons then informed teh bartender of Frisch's lengthy criminal record of stalking, harassment and assault, and Frisch was banned from re-entering teh establishment.

Teh next day, Debbie was stoopid enough to post blogs evidencing her criminal behavior.
[see Deb Frisch, fearing arrest, sends vulgar email (9/7/10) and Deborah Frisch violates probation (9/6/10)]

(Criminal authorities are documenting and investigating Oregon Criminal 1675174 Debbie Frisch's latest criminal activity, say sources.)

Miss Debbie's appearance at teh establishment violates her probation--which runs through 2012, and forbids Frisch from entering any drinking establishment.

Debbie's shit-fit this weekend reminds Frisch observers of her April 2010 violation of probation--when Springfield police recorded a criminal complaint against Frisch for trespassing, stalking and harassment.

It remains unknown what sparked Dummy Debbie's latest frothing inferno. Frisch has been increasingly erratic since her frivolous lawsuit was nuked by lawyers who proved a thousand times smarter then Miss Debbie, leaving Debbie to surrender and beg for mercy, last month.

One amusing irony: Miss Debbie pitched her latest blubbering shitfit over teh Labor Day weekend--a day to celebrate people who, unlike deadbeat Debbie Frisch, actually WORK for a living.

Deborah Frisch has been unemployed since 2006, when she made threatening, sexual remarks about a two-year-old boy on teh internet. Since then, Frisch has scraped together beer-money by panhandling, scamming food stamps, and fraudulently renting a cottage on a property she doesn't own.

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