Teh Daily Squeak

Teh squeak c'est chic!

Monday, November 05, 2018

Will Debbie Rethink Her Ways?

Gerbil Nation (Nov 5)--Two months since her arrest, and 10 days since being sentenced to a multi-year prison term, Colorado Inmate 182605 Deborah Ellen Frisch has plenty of time to rethink her criminal ways... 

Miss Debbie has until teh end of teh decade, in fact: According to teh Colorado DOC website, Miss Debbie's first eligible parole date is on January 19th, 2020.

Will Debbie emerge from prison a changed person? Towards answering that query, it might be worth re-tracing teh long dozen-year road that led to Debbie's current plight.

As long-time Frisch watchers know, Miss Debbie's criminal fever has spiked in 4 past phases:

Phase One (2006-2007)
 Phase Two (2008-2010):
Phase Three (2015):
Phase Four (2016-2018):
Believe it or not, even this lengthy summary leaves out all sorts of Debbie-criminality (fuller accounts here and here; see also The Other McCain's reportage on Teh Debbie Saga...)

While Debbie's past inability to learn how to STFU and leave innocent people alone is daunting, it's worth bearing a few things in mind:
As a result, it's possible (though, alas, not probable) that Debbie might realize it's time to cease and desist stalking, harassing and threatening people whose only "sins" have been holding Debbie accountable for her past stalking, harassing and threatening behavior.

Can Debbie see its time to exit the vicious circle of consequences-vengeance-consequences? Applied decision theory has (ironically) never been one of Miss Debbie's strong suits. Perhaps, this time, enough pain will be inflicted for Debbie to finally realize that "HOT! DO NOT TOUCH!" actually means what it says...

But we won't hold our gerbilly breaths.

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Friday, November 02, 2018

Debbie Transferred to Denver Women's Correctional Facility

Denver CO (Nov 2)--Colorado Inmate 182605 Deborah Ellen Frisch was transferred to teh Denver Women's Correctional Facility yesterday, according to teh Colorado DOC website. Whether DWCF will remain Debbie's lodging for teh duration of her incarceration is (as yet) unknown.

Miss Debbie's move occurred just in time for felon Frisch's 57 birthday--a day often celebrated by Debbie with criminal behavior and consequences.

According to teh PrisonPro website: "Denver Women's Correctional Facility...can house about 975 female inmates.  Offenders who are incarcerated here and are going to be released soon may participate in the reentry and integration program, which helps inmates transition back to society."

Our recommendation: The only steps which will help teh Deb "transition back to society" will no doubt involve 1) her mouth being surgically sealed and 2) a permanent ban from Internet use.


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